If you are interested in participating in an Offense vs. Defense League, please sign up here: https://forms.gle/RzJ67CcF1nnVSGUG7.
Assuming we have enough league participation, OVDL teams will be a combination of players choosing each other and players being drafted or assigned from a Free Agent pool. If you wish to play with specific players, please coordinate with those players before signing up. You will be required to name all the players in your “packaged group” that you are teaming with. Matches will only be allowed Monday – Saturday. No Sunday matches. If you are unavailable during the week, please do not sign up.
OVDL sign ups will last until at least December 1st. League participation and viability will evaluated at that time. Assuming we have enough teams and players, we will move forward with a supplemental draft to fill out teams and to potentially create more teams.
Can I modify my existing sign-up survey?
Emp made that sign up sheet off site, so you have to contact Emp on discord to ask him. I have no access to it.