Rank (ELO)
Games Won
Games Lost
Win %
1 (1619) S Black Sheep Wall 472 609 0.78 14 3 265 207.57 10 2 83.3% Infiltrator 8 2469 Mix N/A
2 (1611) jay Black Sheep Wall 550 538 1.02 16 3 198 207.57 10 2 83.3% Jump Trooper 4 4831 Mix N/A
3 (1611) Dilatory Black Sheep Wall 31 99 0.31 3 1 46 207.57 10 2 83.3% Field Medic 0 36 Mix N/A
4 (1604) Zmn Black Sheep Wall 170 350 0.49 5 0 57 207.57 10 3 76.9% Combat Engineer 0 24 Mix N/A
5 (1588) NewJack Black Sheep Wall 148 246 0.6 2 2 90 207.57 6 0 100% Infiltrator 0 844 Mix N/A
6 (1568) baal Black Sheep Wall 457 375 1.22 2 4 190 207.57 6 1 85.7% Infantry 0 953 Mix N/A
7 (1567) Sabotage Black Sheep Wall 238 199 1.2 2 1 55 207.57 5 4 55.6% Heavy Weapons 0 4509 Mix N/A
8 (1567) Ghost Bomber Black Sheep Wall 476 510 0.93 10 3 275 207.57 7 4 63.6% Infantry 0 1116 Mix N/A
9 (1556) B o o g Black Sheep Wall 0 0 0 0 0 0 207.57 2 2 50% Heavy Weapons 0 0 Mix N/A
10 (1546) albert Coerced 276 528 0.52 12 2 242 173.85 7 4 63.6% Infiltrator 16 2229 Mix N/A
11 (1544) kal Black Sheep Wall 96 185 0.52 2 0 90 99 3 4 42.9% Infiltrator 2 0 Mix N/A
12 (1543) MIGHTS Black Sheep Wall 262 163 1.61 1 2 136 99 4 1 80% Infantry 0 815 Mix N/A
13 (1542) Penguin Pizza Rats 113 147 0.77 0 0 0 0 4 1 80% 0 0
14 (1542) Mecca Coerced 140 140 1 1 0 46 34.13 5 2 71.4% Infiltrator 0 0 Mix N/A
15 (1540) Chevelle Rising Black Sheep Wall 28 51 0.55 0 0 0 192.1 3 2 60% Infantry 0 0 Mix N/A
16 (1538) spark Black Sheep Wall 154 74 2.08 0 0 0 124.04 4 1 80% Heavy Weapons 0 1101 Mix N/A
17 (1535) Verb Leeties 34 112 0.3 0 0 0 0 4 2 66.7% 0 0
18 (1535) Nos Leeties 323 184 1.76 0 0 0 0 4 2 66.7% 0 0
19 (1533) SoloCamo Coerced 66 69 0.96 0 0 0 173.85 3 3 50% Heavy Weapons 0 0 Mix N/A
20 (1533) Captain Ax Stonecutters 51 59 0.86 0 1 6 104.41 5 3 62.5% Squad Leader 0 0 Mix offense
21 (1531) one Coerced 70 100 0.7 0 0 0 56.19 2 2 50% Infantry 0 0 Mix N/A
22 (1530) Emp Big Racoons Under Hats 90 66 1.36 0 0 0 0 3 1 75% 0 0
23 (1530) Bowen Big Racoons Under Hats 5 9 0.56 0 0 0 0 2 0 100% 0 0
24 (1529) Coco Black Sheep Wall 0 0 0 0 0 0 108.57 2 0 100% Infantry 0 0 Mix N/A
25 (1526) Colossal Stonecutters 263 376 0.7 0 2 50 104.41 5 4 55.6% Infantry 0 1161 Mix N/A
26 (1524) juetnihilia Black Sheep Wall 96 153 0.63 0 0 0 99 6 4 60% Squad Leader 2 0 Mix N/A
27 (1520) CT Coerced 343 429 0.8 11 3 145 181.41 4 3 57.1% Infantry 0 756 Mix N/A
28 (1517) Polaris Coerced 41 31 1.32 0 0 0 113.23 1 2 33.3% Infantry 0 0 Mix N/A
29 (1517) Designer Coerced 106 36 2.94 0 1 0 90.32 2 1 66.7% Heavy Weapons 0 2556 Mix N/A
30 (1517) 1992 Running With Scissors 20 21 0.95 0 0 0 0 1 0 100% 0 0
31 (1516) Maniac Leeties 79 113 0.7 0 0 0 0 2 1 66.7% 0 0
32 (1516) Genocide Black Sheep Wall 49 31 1.58 2 0 1 34.13 1 0 100% Infantry 0 0 Mix N/A
33 (1513) metal Black Sheep Wall 295 252 1.17 0 2 45 207.57 9 3 75% Infiltrator 2 520 Mix N/A
34 (1513) billlllayy Pizza Rats 1 3 0.33 0 0 0 0 1 0 100% 0 0
35 (1513) Demon Big Racoons Under Hats 29 124 0.23 0 0 0 0 3 2 60% 0 0
36 (1513) abbath Coerced 39 53 0.74 0 0 0 147.36 4 5 44.4% Squad Leader 2 0 Mix offense
37 (1513) Scarface Big Racoons Under Hats 198 184 1.08 0 0 0 0 3 2 60% 0 0
38 (1513) K Pizza Rats 8 16 0.5 0 0 0 0 1 0 100% 0 0
39 (1510) THE MOUNTAIN H4TERS 165 167 0.99 0 1 12 70.69 6 5 54.5% Squad Leader 0 43 Mix N/A
40 (1510) Waylander H4TERS 252 267 0.94 2 0 45 70.69 6 5 54.5% Infantry 0 205 Mix N/A
41 (1508) Doris Burke Black Sheep Wall 11 49 0.22 0 0 0 192.1 3 4 42.9% Squad Leader 0 0 Mix N/A
42 (1505) i Stonecutters 294 281 1.05 1 2 136 104.41 4 4 50% Jump Trooper 1 152 Mix N/A
43 (1504) db Coerced 170 268 0.63 1 1 2 173.85 2 4 33.3% Jump Trooper 8 2564 Mix N/A
44 (1504) ron Coerced 134 173 0.77 7 0 92 173.85 3 3 50% Infantry 0 458 Mix N/A
45 (1504) The |<orean Coerced 12 68 0.18 6 0 46 173.85 3 3 50% Squad Leader 0 0 Mix N/A
46 (1504) Rueler Stonecutters 0 0 0 0 0 0 88.94 1 1 50% Field Medic 0 0 Mix N/A
47 (1502) gamefreek321 H4TERS 148 45 3.29 0 0 0 56.19 3 3 50% Heavy Weapons 0 0 Mix N/A
48 (1500) Decker H4TERS 52 118 0.44 2 1 1 29.7 4 4 50% Squad Leader 0 0 Mix offense
49 (1500) Rue Leeties 103 115 0.9 0 0 0 0 1 1 50% 0 0
50 (1499) Phlow Big Racoons Under Hats 47 36 1.31 0 0 0 0 1 1 50% 0 0
51 (1499) Revenge Big Racoons Under Hats 146 166 0.88 0 0 0 0 2 2 50% 0 0
52 (1499) ssj*cloud Big Racoons Under Hats 38 58 0.66 0 0 0 0 1 1 50% 0 0
53 (1497) Infinite H4TERS 49 104 0.47 0 0 0 70.69 5 5 50% Combat Engineer 0 67 Mix N/A
54 (1491) Trouble Stonecutters 64 65 0.98 0 0 0 104.41 1 2 33.3% Infantry 0 426 Mix N/A
55 (1488) Tactical H4TERS 438 221 1.98 3 2 88 70.69 5 6 45.5% Infantry 5 1423 Mix N/A
56 (1487) Ruler Coerced 208 378 0.55 11 3 144 147.36 2 3 40% Jump Trooper 2 2578 Mix N/A
57 (1486) Soup Stonecutters 340 250 1.36 2 2 100 111.97 5 6 45.5% Infantry 0 111 Mix N/A
58 (1485) Mechanic~ Running With Scissors 48 73 0.66 0 0 0 0 1 2 33.3% 0 0
59 (1485) anjro Coerced 210 331 0.63 0 1 45 173.85 4 5 44.4% Infantry 0 2936 Mix N/A
60 (1485) Breakdance Running With Scissors 12 33 0.36 0 0 0 0 1 2 33.3% 0 0
61 (1485) MysticGohan~ Leeties 8 7 1.14 0 0 0 0 0 1 0% 0 0
62 (1484) District H4TERS 9 17 0.53 0 0 0 0 0 1 0% 0 0
63 (1484) bonds H4TERS 58 94 0.62 0 0 0 70.69 5 6 45.5% Field Medic 0 196 Mix N/A
64 (1484) Illest Running With Scissors 65 54 1.2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0% 0 0
65 (1484) r Running With Scissors 19 43 0.44 0 0 0 0 0 1 0% 0 0
66 (1483) yosh H4TERS 141 308 0.46 1 0 45 70.69 4 5 44.4% Infiltrator 4 565 Mix N/A
67 (1481) MUSHBERG H4TERS 29 49 0.59 1 0 45 40.99 1 2 33.3% Infantry 0 0 Mix N/A
68 (1476) Jaguar Coerced 266 260 1.02 0 1 45 139.72 3 5 37.5% Infantry 0 747 Mix N/A
69 (1475) grump Stonecutters 36 44 0.82 0 0 0 104.41 1 3 25% Jump Trooper 0 863 Mix N/A
70 (1473) posty Stonecutters 39 74 0.53 0 0 0 104.41 4 6 40% Field Medic 0 30 Mix N/A
71 (1471) Oor Stonecutters 2 11 0.18 0 0 0 74.44 0 2 0% Infantry 0 0 Mix N/A
72 (1470) Shadeaux H4TERS 325 231 1.41 1 0 45 29.7 2 4 33.3% Infantry 0 235 Mix N/A
73 (1469) thegreatchompy Running With Scissors 102 278 0.37 0 0 0 0 1 3 25% 0 0
74 (1469) Thiz Running With Scissors 16 79 0.2 0 0 0 0 1 3 25% 0 0
75 (1469) Debris Running With Scissors 163 186 0.88 0 0 0 0 1 3 25% 0 0
76 (1469) TyraeL Running With Scissors 279 43 6.49 0 0 0 0 1 3 25% 0 0
77 (1468) NY-mikejones Stonecutters 9 19 0.47 0 0 0 0 0 2 0% 0 0
78 (1468) Evade H4TERS 170 158 1.08 12 0 98 70.69 2 4 33.3% Infiltrator 1 523 Mix N/A
79 (1466) Distrikt H4TERS 11 20 0.55 0 0 0 40.99 0 2 0% Infantry 0 0 Mix N/A
80 (1460) SgtKetchup Coerced 41 132 0.31 7 0 2 173.85 2 5 28.6% Infiltrator 1 2403 Mix N/A
81 (1460) mixm Stonecutters 27 76 0.36 0 0 0 104.41 1 4 20% Combat Engineer 0 0 Mix N/A
82 (1460) Soriddo Stonecutters 108 191 0.57 4 0 94 104.41 1 4 20% Infantry 1 19 Mix N/A
83 (1459) Loaf Pincher Stonecutters 0 7 0 0 0 0 15.47 0 3 0% Field Medic 0 0 Mix defense
84 (1456) ViN Stonecutters 69 51 1.35 0 0 0 15.47 0 3 0% Heavy Weapons 0 0 Mix N/A
85 (1455) Zloy Kaleidoscope Underwear Kings 41 72 0.57 0 0 0 0 0 3 0% 0 0
86 (1453) Power Kaleidoscope Underwear Kings 38 48 0.79 0 0 0 0 0 3 0% 0 0
87 (1452) dp H4TERS 57 149 0.38 4 0 2 70.69 2 5 28.6% Infiltrator 0 0 Mix N/A
88 (1450) Thugs H4TERS 44 56 0.79 1 0 45 70.69 0 3 0% Infantry 0 0 Mix N/A
89 (1444) Got Tsolvy? Coerced 44 117 0.38 0 0 0 173.85 3 7 30% Field Medic 0 0 Mix N/A
90 (1444) hed Stonecutters 31 86 0.36 22 0 114 88.94 1 5 16.7% Jump Trooper 0 0 Mix N/A
91 (1441) Chuckie Kaleidoscope Underwear Kings 68 56 1.21 0 0 0 0 0 4 0% 0 0
92 (1441) Plaps Kaleidoscope Underwear Kings 6 43 0.14 0 0 0 0 0 4 0% 0 0
93 (1441) X5 Kaleidoscope Underwear Kings 18 17 1.06 0 0 0 0 0 4 0% 0 0
94 (1441) Cara Tank Kaleidoscope Underwear Kings 100 106 0.94 0 0 0 0 0 4 0% 0 0
95 (1437) Galaxy H4TERS 294 291 1.01 10 1 144 70.69 3 7 30% Jump Trooper 3 413 Mix N/A
96 (1429) Axidus Stonecutters 412 258 1.6 0 2 44 104.41 2 7 22.2% Infiltrator 1 10 Mix N/A
97 (1429) Attempt Stonecutters 42 73 0.58 0 0 0 104.41 1 6 14.3% Infantry 0 0 Mix N/A
98 (1416) RRUser Stonecutters 180 326 0.55 1 3 145 104.41 1 7 12.5% Infiltrator 2 3112 Mix N/A
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