Soup by Soup in

So, I’ve installed squad creation and squad invitation to the website. I’ve added this feature as a test for now. For those that would like to possibly captain or know someone that would like to captain, have them create a team and start inviting squad mates. We are trying to see if it is feasible to even try to bring CTFPL back.

In order to create a team or be invited to a team, you must have a valid account on the website. You must also VERIFY your email. If you have any issues, feel free to message Soup on discord or message through the “Contact Us” at the bottom of the website.

Squad Creation
To create a squad: CTFPL > User Dashboard > Create Team

Squad Invite
To send an invite there are two ways:
1. CTFPL > Teams > Squad Name you own > Invite by email on bottom left
2. CTFPL > Players > Click on player name > Invite to squad using button on top right