@albert/@WolveN have volunteered to take over the OVDL and are in the process of finalizing rules, finalizing scheduling, and coordinating with the existing 8 captains. More specific info will be coming in the next 24 hours.
In the mean time, we can share that signups have been extended until 11:59PM PST, Thursday, December 5th. The draft (which will be a snake style draft with randomized order) will take place Friday, December 6th (time to come soon).
If any captain is unable to attend the draft on Friday, they can either designate someone else on their team to draft for them, or if that is not possible, we will work out a way to set autodraft rankings that can be used if you’re unavailable, similar to a Fantasy Football League. The full list of free agents will be posted Friday morning once sign-ups are complete.
This (photo attached) is the current master list of free agents signed up. If you are not on this list and want to be included, please contact albert/Ruler via Discord DM or in-game to indicate you want to be added to the list.
Again, more info to come in the next 24 hours. Thanks!